• Vacation Bible School - Arcadia First Baptist Church

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    Name: Vacation Bible School - Arcadia First Baptist Church
    Date: June 9, 2019
    Time: 5:50 PM - 8:40 PM CDT
    Event Description:
    Mark your calendar now for VBS 2019!
    June 9-13, 2019. 
    This year we pray that the Lord would continue His
    incredible work through VBS and that we would see even more
    kids participate and come to know Christ as their savior.
    But we can’t do Vacation Bible School without you!
    If you are interested in serving at VBS this year please
    contact Julie Beanland at julie@arcadiafbc.org for more information.
    Contact Information:
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    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.
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