

  • Business Christmas Decorating Competition

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    Name: Business Christmas Decorating Competition
    Date: December 13, 2021 - December 17, 2021
    Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
    Event Description:

    Entry Applications must be received no later than 5pm on Friday, December 10, 2021.
    Applications should be dropped off at the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Inc. office, 12425 Highway 6, Ste. 1 or submitted via email to sfchamber@comcast.net. You can also register on-line.  Upon submission, you will receive confirmation of your entry via email. If you don’t receive an email confirmation by December 13th, contact the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Inc. at 409-925-8558. The Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is not responsible for entries not received.
    2021 City of Santa Fe Christmas Decorating Contest Application Form
    The contest is for exterior decorations only, including decorations in windows that are visible from the exterior. Judging will be done from the outside only.  Contest is limited to what can be seen from the parking lot street side of the property at night. People or live animals are NOT allowed as part of the display. Participants are asked to keep their business decorated through January 1st, so that the community may view and enjoy them. Judging will take place the week of December 13th, from dusk until 9pm. Please have your decorations turned on by 5pm. Winners will be notified on Monday, December 20th. Judges’ decisions are final.
    Judging will be based on the following criteria:
    · Creativity (originality, unique design and creative use of lights and decorations),
    · Arrangement (display and placement of decorations),
    · Overall Appearance (color coordination, balance, and overall attractiveness)
    · Special Effects (sound effects, animation, etc.)
    Contact Information:
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