• Welcome to the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Inc.


    Welcome to the online home of the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce, Inc.! We're more than just an organization; we're a dynamic partnership of businesses and professionals dedicated to enhancing our community. Supported by the investments of our members, our mission is clear: to foster community backing for local businesses, ensuring a robust economy and sustainable growth for Santa Fe.

    At the heart of our efforts are the cherished local traditions that define our community spirit. Yet, we're always on the lookout for fresh opportunities to showcase our member investors and promote the vibrant essence of Santa Fe. We invite you to join us in our endeavors by becoming an active participant in the Chamber.

    From our Monthly Membership Meetings to the diverse range of community events we organize throughout the year, there's no shortage of ways to engage with us. Together, let's shape a brighter future for Santa Fe!



  • Upcoming Events

    • Awards-Dinner-2025-Board-Picture-w512.jpg
    • Citizen-of-the-Year-Award-Terri-O'Connell.jpg
    • Non-Profit-of-the-Year---Dayspring-Church-w600.jpg
    • The-Dana-B.-Huoni-Volunteer-of-the-Year-Award-John-Hamilton.jpg
    • Large-Business-of-the-Year-Award-The-Hidden-Palms.jpg
    • Leadership-Santa-Fe-Class-of-2024-w600.jpg
    • Honey-Bee-with-Cathy-Croft-w320.jpg
    • Gala2025-people-seated-w600.jpg
    • Congressman-Randy-Weber-takes-a-selfie.jpg
    • Congressman-RW-with-TO-w262.jpg
    • Comm.-Joe-Giusti-bids-for-basket--w600.jpg
  • Thank you to our Diamond and Platinum Investors